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North Central Nigeria ~ Passion and Pain
From their base in Abuja into the rural area in Benue State, Apostle Raymond Obiaje and His team move throughout North Central Nigeria despite the threat of Radical Islamic Terrorism, preaching the Gospel, feeding the poor and loving every person with the love of Jesus Christ.

Preaching the Gospel in the terror belt of the world
Feeding the Hungry and Blessing the poor

The incredible Love of Jesus is displayed as Muslims come to receive of His goodness in a country that has seen more Islamic persecution of Christians than any other in Modern Times...
Winning Souls for Jesus
Preaching the Gospel at any cost
Local food distribution

Our Food Bank in Abuja
Rural Outreaches
Sunshine and Rain
Terror Groups like the Boka Haram and Isis have topped the news channels for the past few years, but in Nigeria, another group has emerged as the Leader in terrorist attacks against Christians... The Fulani Militia, made up of men who were historically at odds with Christians over farmlands, have been weaponized and have wreaked havoc on thousands of Christians, killing, raping, and burning down Churches and homes at will.


Christians in Nigeria face perhaps the most intense persecution of all Christians throughout the World. Thousands upon thousands of Christians have been killed, maimed and terrorized by Radical Islamic Terrorists throughout the Northern Region of Nigeria, and their CRY has reached the Throne of God. I am the President of Rabbonis Love, Inc., and have traveled to Nigeria each of the last three years. The Christians in this country are amongst the most sincere and dedicated Christians that I have ever met, despite the hardships that they have endured, they keep their commitment to Jesus... preferring death, rather than to deny the Lord Jesus Christ when faced with the ultimatum "Convert or Die". The work that we do here is among our highest priorities. Please consider sowing into this worthwhile mission.
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