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Outreach / Evangelism
The Great Commission
Breaking the Bread in Lagos
Africa's Largest City is suffering extreme hunger and unrest

Pastor Richmond Onumajuru is the Regional Director of R.S.H.R. in Lagos, he and his wife Ebere minister to many through Global Evangelical Tour Revival Ministry. RSHR Lagos has compassion on the multitudes feeding the communities for the past 3 years, and especially during the current pandemic. Both Christians and Muslims alike have come to receive of the love of Jesus.

Bread and Coffee are served at one of our RSHR Lagos gathering times above... These times include teaching life-giving truths from the Word of God, fellowship, and a meal, which for some may be the only meal they eat for a day or even more. RSHR has been feeding all who come to this site for the past three years. The number of people needing both physical and spiritual food has increased yearly... Since the Global pandemic began earlier this year (2020), we have not been able to keep up with the physical need. Our limited supply, while greatly appreciated, has only been enough to stay the hunger of many for a night at a time... Please consider giving into this worth-while mission... I have visited this site each of the past 3 years, and the Leaders here are working tenuously for the needs of the people...
My First meeting with Pastor Richmond in 2015 in Ghana
In order to establish this charitable work, R.S.H.R. and The Master's Table Ministries built the building seen here in our background photo... Thousands have been served and many are coming for His Rest!
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