Even as a vehicle that is marked for destruction is carried to the Junkyard for stripping and crushing, so were we who were lost (marked for judgment) in a world of sin, subject to CONDEMNATION! But God, in his infinite mercy sent his only begotten Son to save us from such a punishment, and redeemed (brought JUSTIFICATION to) us from the crushing consequences of sin and death (Romans 6:23). Romans 5:1 clearly states: “Therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God…” God doesn’t desire to condemn the world, Jesus was condemned for us...Instead, He has a vision for our restoration and has SANCTIFIED us, (chosen and set us apart) for His very purpose. WE can now CONSECRATE (choose to agree with and walk in God’s plan) for our lives. WE are His workmanship and He is bringing GLORIFICATION (Beauty and Sparkle) to these earthen vessels. His desire is to make us a Glorious Church without Spot or Wrinkle. We are now seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, and we are witnesses not only in this world, but to principalities and powers in heavenly places. WE are being prepared for the SHOWROOM...a place of EXALTATION and authority under the Lordship of Christ our Savior!
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