The Lay's
Five Fold Ministry covering
Rabboni Schools of His Rest

RSHR are our Training and Equipping Centers and Modules focusing on the Biblical principles of the Rest of God; integrating a full and thought-provoking biblical curriculum.
RSHR has active Schools in the United States, Africa, Asia, and Ukraine, and immediate plans to establish Schools in Venezuela, Haiti, and Ghana
Thus said the LORD, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool:
where is the house that you build to me? and where is the place of my rest?
Isaiah 66:1
Here, we see God Himself enthroned in Rest, seated in Heaven; His feet reclining upon the earth (His footstool) … Yet He asks the question, where is the house that you build to me, and where is the place of my Rest? Solomon’s answer was to build Him a Temple, but there was a further desire within the heart of God. This passage spoke to me deeply about God’s desire for a “Place of His Rest”, and for His People to have a “Place of His Rest”.
Ultimately that place is within us, as we are called to be the habitation of His Rest. The Rabboni School of His Rest is not an attempt to erect another earthly house as a container for His Rest, it is a School of Encounter whereby we may all become the Habitation of His Rest. While some of our Churches can be great sources of strength and temporary relief from life’s burdens, His Rest is rarely encountered within them (in fullness), experienced tangibly (in glorious manifestation), or fully understood (it cannot be fully understood without encounter).
For centuries most of the Church has underestimated the power of His Rest. It has been treated rather abstractly, or as a secondary spiritual supplement. For lack of transcendent testimony or encounter with His Rest, it has rarely been highlighted in our preaching and teaching. Subsequently, it has remained an undiscovered treasure. His Rest is perhaps the most powerful and vital end-time substance and adorning available to the Church! For me, it is a Rock of Revelation, a foundational truth that supports and under-girds many other spiritual truths. If this is so, why have we so grossly overlooked this incredible and Glory-filled substance?
Jesus was and is extraordinary. Everything he did was extraordinary (His miracles, healings, teachings, etc.). The way he loved unparalleled. His birth was unprecedented, His life, His death, His Resurrection, Ascension, Intercession, and Righteousness are all unprecedented, unparalleled, and extraordinary! How could His Rest be any different? Yet for most of my 30+ years as a believer in Jesus Christ, I have witnessed and personally experienced the ravaging effects of unrest, fear, and disorder, both in my own life and in the lives of countless others.
I concluded that there could only be two possible reasons for this unfortunate phenomenon. Either His Rest was not to be taken literally, that it was more concept than reality, or that there was something missing in my own experience; something I needed to “learn of him”.
His Rest flows out from His being, much like His Love.
It is of a much higher quality and order than its human counterpart. (There’s nothing comparable to it in the earth)
It can only minimally be attained through knowledge; knowledge simply increases our faith and opens the door to encounter. Pay special attention to the overview pages between the chapters in the School of Rest.
It can be transferred in a measure through impartation, often with amazing results
The Ultimate place of His Rest is within us in order for us to begin to understand its amazing power and potential, we must first observe the words of the Prophet Isaiah:
And in that day there shall be a root of Jesse, which shall stand for an ensign of the people; to it shall the Gentiles seek: and his rest shall be *glorious. Isaiah 11:10
*The Hebrew word translated as *glorious is Kabod, meaning Glory. Glory is God’s weighty presence! The word glorious is substituted here to help the vernacular, but by doing so it vastly reduces our understanding of its power. Let’s look at this same scripture in the amplified bible.
And it shall be in that day that the Root of Jesse (Jesus) shall stand as a signal for the peoples; of Him shall the nations inquire and seek knowledge, and His dwelling shall be glory (His rest glorious) Isaiah 11:10 Amp. Bible (C)